4 Misconceptions about the Nevada Lemon Law

When you buy a new car, you expect it to work perfectly. Unfortunately, sometimes things go wrong, and your car ends up being a “lemon.” If this happens to you, don’t worry – you have protection under the lemon law. Which is why you must understand your rights under NV lemon laws. However, there are many misconceptions about the lemon law. Here, we will dispel four of the most common myths about the lemon law.

It Only Applies to New Cars

The first misconception about the lemon law is that it only applies to new cars. This could not be further from the truth – in fact, many states’ lemon laws cover used vehicles as well. Generally speaking, if you bought a car from a dealer, no matter whether it was new or used, you have protection under the lemon law. Which is why some people who have bought used cars and have had problems with them have actually been able to take advantage of the lemon law. It has nothing to do with the age of the car, only where it was purchased.

It Only Applies for People in Nevada

carThe second misconception about the lemon law is that it only applies to people in Nevada. While Nevada does have its own version of the lemon law, this myth is false – almost every other state has its own version of the lemon law as well. In fact, many states’ laws provide more protection than the federal lemon law. Be sure to check your state’s law to find out what kind of protection you have. This way, you can be sure that if you ever do need to make a claim, you know your rights.

It Can Only Be Used If There is an Accident

The third misconception about the lemon law is that it can only be used if there is an accident. The truth is, many states’ laws cover defects from factory or design flaws as well. So, even if your car has never been in a collision, you are still protected under the lemon law. If you know someone whose car has been damaged but wasn’t caused by accident, they may still be able to take advantage of the lemon law. Tell them about it to see if it applies to them.

It Doesn’t Cover Repairs

coverFinally, some people believe that the lemon law doesn’t cover repairs. Again, this is false – many states’ laws require dealers to pay for the repair of a lemon car. This can be a huge help for people who can’t afford to repair their vehicles on their own. So, if you think you have a car that might qualify as a lemon, be sure to look into your state’s law to see if it covers repairs. This way, you can take advantage of the protection that is available to you.

As you can see, there are many misconceptions about the lemon law. To ensure that you get the protection you deserve, make sure to familiarize yourself with your state’s version of the law and know your rights as a consumer. Doing so could save you money – and headaches – down the road. Have you heard any other misconceptions about the lemon law? Let us know in the comments below.…